Times of religious services

9.30 am (Catalan) - Chapel of the Holy Sacrament.

12 noon (Catalan) - Chapel of Our Lady of the Cloister.

Sundays and public holidays
9.30 am (Catalan) - Chapel of the Holy Sacrament.
11.00 am (Catalan) - Convent Mass. Main Altar.
12.30 pm (Spanish) - Main Altar.

Sundays and public holidays from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm and before each mass.


Mn. Joan Miquel Bravo Alarcón,
Dean-President of the Chapter of Tarragona Cathedral

My most cordial greetings to those of you reading these words of welcome. Perhaps you've come to this website looking for specific information about our Cathedral, perhaps because you're interested in visiting it or merely by chance. I invite you to explore this website in the hope that you'll find what you're looking for. May this virtual visit bring you a little closer to this majestic building, emblematic of our beloved city of Tarragona. We look forward to the day when we can welcome you in person, either by taking part in a celebration of faith or by visiting our Cathedral.

If you're thinking of visiting the Cathedral, we're pleased to inform you that the price of your ticket contributes towards the maintenance, conservation and restoration of our precious heritage.

On behalf of the Chapter of Tarragona Cathedral and its Dean, we wish you the peace and happiness that only the Lord can give.

The Chapter of Tarragona Cathedral is currently made up of fourteen canons and three other honorary canons.

Mn. Joan Miquel Bravo Alarcón,

Monsignor Miquel Barbarà Anglès,
Head of Music and Chapel Master.

Mn. Josep M. Serra Roigé,
Head Sacristan.

Mn. Josep Queraltó Serrano,
Master of Ceremonies.

Mn. Joaquim Fortuny Vizcarro,
Second Syndic.

Mn. Manuel M. Fuentes Gasó,

Mn. Norbert Miracle Figuerola,

Mn. Joan Antoni Cedó Perelló,

Mn. Antonio P. Martínez Subías,
Head of Artistic and Documentary Heritage. patrimoni.catedral@arqtgn.cat

Mn. Joaquim Gras Minguella,
Canon Estates and Personnel Manager.

Mn. Jordi Figueras Jové,

Mn. Rafael Serra Abellà,

Mn. Josep Masdéu Aymamí,
Administrator and First Syndic.

Mn. Antoni Pérez de Mendiguren i Cros,
Administrator of the Chapel of Our Lady of the Cloister

Monsignor Valentí Miserachs Grau,
Honorary Member

Mn. Joan Roig Montserrat,
Honorary Member

Mr. Alessandro Campanella,
Honorary Member

Carrer de la Mare de Déu del Claustre, 5, Baixos
43003 Tarragona
Telephone +34 649 236 639

Mn. Antoni Pérez de Mendiguren i Cros.
Telephone +34 649 236 639

The Archbishopric of Tarragona
is the seat of the Archbishop for the whole Archdiocese of Tarragona.

Visit the website for more historical and pastoral information.

Archive and Library.
The documents safeguarded by the Chapter of Tarragona Cathedral are preserved in its historic Chapter Archive.
